What you need to know before mining

When mining DOGE, we’ll mostly focus on the beginner and intermediate’s way to mine.

If you’re looking to be an advanced miner, it’s highly recommended that you consult or hire an electrician in order to fully know what your hardware is capable of and the electrical output that will result from it. This is so that you know if your system is properly set up, what your electricity costs should be and have the knowledge needed for maintenance.

Before getting into mining Dogecoin, a word about Cloud Mining. Cloud mining is when a user rents cloud computing software without having to download it directly. It is best to avoid Cloud Mining as the services aren’t profitable for now. You might as well buy the crypto yourself and HODL. However, if you really want to dabble in it Genesis Mining and Hashflare do provide some reputable services. Factoring costs, don’t expect to be profitable until the technology improves.

That being said, we will learn the most user-friendly way to mine DOGE. There are other methods out there that will follow the same formula of finding the platform where you mine and connecting it to mining software. So if you want to venture off into other mining programs, just take what you learn from here and apply it accordingly.

Websites like Zergpool offer wide customization for miners, but it isn’t the easiest way to get into mining, which is why we’ll be looking at unMineable. Once you dive deep into mining, unMineable might not have all the options you’re looking for. To get started, we will be using unMineable since it will get you acquainted with mining quickly.

The main way to mine is through Windows and much of the crypto world operates on Windows. Macs usually do not come with GPUs, so oftentimes you can only mine using CPU mining. This means that using a Mac will more likely not be profitable when mining.

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