Mining Explained: a Detailed Guide on How Cryptocurrency Mining Works

The demand for graphics processing units (GPUs) increased when cryptocurrency mining reached its peak as an arms race. In fact, Advanced Micro Devices, a manufacturer of GPUs, reported impressive financial results as the demand for the company’s stock soared and shares traded at their highest level in a decade.

The crypto mining gold rush quickly came to an end despite the rise in demand for GPUs because the difficulty of mining popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin rose at a similar rate.

However, it is still possible to make money mining cryptocurrencies. Then, what is cryptocurrency mining, is it permitted, and how do you begin? These queries are explored in more detail in this article.

What is Crypto Mining?

Most people consider cryptocurrency mining to be just another way to produce new coins. However, crypto mining also entails adding cryptocurrency transactions to a distributed ledger and validating them on a blockchain network. Most importantly, crypto mining stops people from using digital currency twice on a distributed network.

The digital ledger must be updated by debiting one account and crediting the other when a member spends cryptocurrency, just like with physical money. A digital currency faces difficulties, though, due to the ease with which digital platforms can be gamed. As a result, the distributed ledger used by Bitcoin only permits updates from verified miners. In order to protect the network from double spending, miners now have an additional duty.

To compensate miners for their efforts in maintaining the network’s security, new coins are created in the interim. Given that distributed ledgers are decentralized, the mining process is essential for verifying transactions. In order to increase their chances of winning newly created coins, miners are motivated to secure the network by taking part in the transaction validation process.

A proof-of-work (PoW) consensus protocol has been established to guarantee that only verified crypto miners can mine and validate transactions. PoW additionally protects the network from outside attacks.


Mines for precious metals and cryptocurrencies are somewhat comparable. While miners of precious metals will find gold, silver, or diamonds, cryptocurrency miners will cause the introduction of new coins into circulation. Miners must set up equipment that solves intricate mathematical equations in the form of cryptographic hashes in order to earn new coins. A hash is a condensed version of a piece of data’s digital signature. To protect data transferred on a public network, hashes are created. The first miner to decipher the code and add the block to the ledger is rewarded. Miners compete with one another to determine a hash value produced by a crypto coin transaction.

A chain of unbroken blocks that extends back to the first block is created when each block uses a hash function to refer to the block before it. Peers on the network can thus easily confirm whether specific blocks are valid and whether the miners who validated each block correctly solved the hash to obtain the reward.

The difficulty of the network’s equations rises over time as miners use more sophisticated machines to solve PoW. Additionally, as mining becomes more competitive, there are fewer coins available overall.

How to Start Mining Cryptocurrencies

Computers with specialized software created to solve challenging cryptographic mathematical equations are needed for cryptocurrency mining. In the beginning of the technology, a basic CPU chip on a home computer could be used to mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, due to the rising levels of difficulty, it is no longer feasible to mine the majority of cryptocurrencies using CPU chips.

Today, a specialized GPU or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miner are needed for cryptocurrency mining. A trustworthy internet connection must also always be available for the mining rig’s GPUs. Each cryptocurrency miner must also be a part of an online cryptocurrency mining pool.

Different Methods of Mining Cryptocurrencies

Different cryptocurrency mining techniques demand varying amounts of time. For instance, CPU mining was the preferred method for the majority of miners in the early days of the technology. Given the high costs of electricity and cooling as well as the general increase in difficulty, many people today believe CPU mining to be too slow and impractical because it takes months to earn even a small profit.

Another way to mine cryptocurrencies is with a GPU. By grouping several GPUs under a single mining rig, it maximizes computational power. The rig must have a motherboard and cooling system in order to mine GPUs.

Similar to that, ASIC mining is yet another way to mine cryptocurrencies. ASIC miners produce more cryptocurrency units than GPU miners due to their specialization in cryptocurrency mining, in contrast to GPU miners. As mining difficulty rises, they quickly become out of date, though, because they are expensive.

Cloud mining is becoming more and more popular as a result of the rising costs of GPU and ASIC mining. Individual miners can use cloud mining to take advantage of the resources of large companies and specialized crypto-mining facilities.

Individual cryptocurrency miners can find both free and paid cloud mining hosts online and rent a mining rig for a set period of time. The best hands-free cryptocurrency mining technique is this one.

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Mining Pools

To increase their chances of discovering and mining blocks on a blockchain, miners can pool their computing power through the use of mining pools. If a mining pool is successful, the reward is divided among the miners in proportion to the resources they each contributed to the pool.

The majority of cryptocurrency mining software includes a mining pool, but nowadays, crypto enthusiasts can band together online to create their own mining pools. Miners are free to switch pools whenever they feel the need to do so because some pools pay out more rewards than others.

Because they regularly receive updates and technical support from their host companies, official crypto mining pools are viewed by miners as being more dependable. The best place to find mining pools is CryptoCompare, where miners can compare various mining pools based on their dependability, profitability, and the coin that they want to mine.

Is Crypto Mining Worth It?

Several factors determine whether crypto mining is profitable. The hash rate, power usage, and overall costs of the mining rig should be taken into account regardless of whether a potential miner opts for a CPU, GPU, ASIC miner, or cloud mining. Typically, crypto-mining equipment produces a lot of heat and consumes a lot of electricity.

For instance, it takes an average ASIC miner about ten minutes and 72 terawatts of power to produce one bitcoin. As mining becomes more challenging and technology develops, these numbers are constantly changing.

Even though the machine’s price is important, it’s also crucial to think about the amount of electricity used, local electricity prices, and cooling expenses, particularly when using GPU and ASIC mining rigs.

In order to determine whether mining a particular cryptocurrency would even be profitable, it’s also critical to take into account how difficult the cryptocurrency is to mine.

The Tax Implications of Crypto Mining

A crucial factor to keep in mind is how much cryptocurrency mining is taxed.

Crypto miners typically have to pay taxes (1) when they receive cryptocurrency as payment for their work, and (2) when they sell or exchange the reward tokens. Regarding (1), the IRS has published Notice 2014-21, which explains the tax ramifications of cryptocurrency mining. According to the Notice, a miner will record gross income when they receive the reward tokens in an amount equal to the fair market value of the coins at the time of receipt. Additionally, the reward tokens/virtual currency payments are deemed to be self-employment income and as a result, are subject to self-employment taxes if a taxpayer’s mining activities are considered a trade or business or if the taxpayer performs such activities as an independent contractor. Payments made in cryptocurrencies are similarly treated as wages subject to federal income tax withholding of Social Security/Medicare and unemployment taxes if a taxpayer engages in mining activities as an employee.

Is Crypto Mining Legal?

The majority of jurisdictions and authorities haven’t yet passed legislation governing cryptocurrencies, so it’s unclear whether crypto mining is legal in most nations.

Crypto miners are regarded as money transmitters by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and as such, they might be governed by the laws that apply to that activity. For instance, cryptocurrency mining is regarded as a business in Israel and is taxed as such. Although Canada and the US seem to be supportive of crypto mining, regulatory uncertainty still exists in India and elsewhere.

However, very few nations forbid cryptocurrency mining, aside from those that have specifically banned related activities.

Conclusion: the Sustainability of Crypto Mining

Curiosity and a burning desire to learn are fundamental requirements for aspiring cryptocurrency miners. New technologies are constantly changing the crypto mining industry. The best professional miners are always researching the environment and refining their mining techniques to increase their output.

On the other hand, as more and more fossil fuels are burned to power the mining process, climate change advocates are growing more and more concerned.

Such worries have prompted cryptocurrency communities like Ethereum to think about moving away from PoW frameworks in favor of more resilient frameworks, like proof-of-stake frameworks.

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